Super Custom Homes – Typical Scenario
Unlimited Option Designs: Starting from the Low $ 200's per Sq. Ft.
- Unlimited Floor Plan & Elevation Designs
- Designs to Enhance difficult Building Sites
Once we review your life style priorities, we can start designing your Dream Home. Just like it sounds, it allows you to design any style & any size home, with as many options as you can include in your budget
Typical Options:
- Multi Level Energy Efficient Homes
- Covered Patios per Plan Design
- Volume Ceilings
- Media Rooms
- Panic Rooms
- Indoor Pools
- Interior & Exterior Courtyards
- Smart Home Technology Controls
- Underground Basements
- Walk Out Rooms on Steep Slope Lots
We specialize in arranging well designed floor plans and exterior elevations to satisfy your personal living style.
With over 40 years of experience, our principal Chuck R. Thomason, can recommend numerous solutions for accenting or improving most plans. If you are just starting the process there are numerous things to consider. Please call us @ 805-701-8863 to set up a private consultation at your earliest convenience.